Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 18: bath crayons!

Right before Christmas, the glycerin I ordered came in, so I had a chance to make these awesome bath crayons I found on pinterest! They made wonderful stocking stuffers, and honestly, would make a great gift or day activity with the kids.

I only came across one problem with them. I didn't add nearly enough coloring for them to actually write in the bath, so if you do make them, make sure to add enough coloring! You can always test it out, and if it isn't as colorful as you would like it, melt the soap again.

How to make these crayons:

You'll need:

-Solid Glycerin Soap base. (1lb will do, depending on how many you make and the shape. More on this below.)

-soap coloring. (Or food coloring, but you'll have to use more food coloring than you would soap coloring. Also, liquid works better than gel, but gel still works out.)

-crayon molds. (or silicone molds, I used my heart shaped ones.)

-spoon and heat proof cup (like a coffee mug)


Step 1: Cut glycerin into squares. Separate squares into sections for different colors. My block separated into 20 squares, so I put three in each category for 6 different colors, and then put the extras into my kids' favorite colors.

Step 2: Melt the glycerin until liquid, in short bursts. 20 seconds in microwave, then let it sit at least five to ten seconds before another twenty second zap. Repeat until totally melted. I found this takes about three cycles, four for the coors with more blocks in them.

Step 3: Add coloring. Mix until fully colored to your desired amount. (baby spoons work wonderfully for this!)

Step 4: Pour soap into desired molds until crayons are as thick or thin as you want them to be. I used these awesome heart shaped molds as well as baking cups and made my crayons about 1/4-1/2inch thick give or take.

Now, let the soap harden back up. This could take anywhere from ten minutes to an hour or so. Once they are hardened, pop them out of their molds.

Now, time to play! (or wrap, or give away, or really, anything. They're done!)

Happy crafting!

Curios as to what I'm doing?see the original post here!

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