Friday, January 25, 2013

7 Quick takes #4 - Boobs

Lately, I've been on an insane pro-breastfeeding kick.  I -love- breastfeeding and all its benefits.  I feel bad for the women who can't, or those who have horrid supply issues.  I sometimes even find myself bothered by those who simply choose not to breastfeed, but who am I to judge?  My first child was not, and honestly, things happen, but all in all, the choice is always left to the mom.  It is her choice, and no matter what that choice may be, she should get supported.  Unless the choice is ridiculously harmful like giving your newborn straight up ultra-pasteurized, homogenized cow milk.  Or not feeding the kid at all.  Anyway this week's quick takes (again, aiming for going regularly again) is all about breastfeeding.  Below are 7 links to better your nursing relationship and hopefully even help a few of you solve some issues you might be having.

1.  Kellymom is probably a resource you visit often, and definitely makes for one of the best go to sites.  If you haven't been there yet, go check it out! 

2.  Have you ever heard of quinoa (keen-wah) milk?  Apparently it is also known as a mother's tonic.  I first found this recipe about it in the book Noursing Traditions (kitchen must have, by the way), and it mentioned it as a nursing mothers tonic.  I then went to google for more information and found this!

But then the next link was even more interesting!  That woman was making baby formula!  I had no idea about that one.

3.   Raw milk will boost supply.  Or so this intriguing story tells.  I can attest that it does indeed help.  My supply has plummeted, I've been craving my milk, and its only been four days since I ran out.

4.  There's a really good reason your toddler still wants to nurse.  According to this amazing woman pioneer in the studying of breastfeeding (by the name of Kathy), human children should nurse for a minimum of 2.5 years to a max average of 7 years.   

5.  How about those thumb suckers?  According to Kathy, thumb/finger sucking really means baby just wants more boob.  Read more about that here. 

6.  Still haven't found a solution to your supply issues?  Try a nursing vacation!  Its where you and your baby just sit in bed and relax all weekend.  The catch?  Skin to skin contact!  Cuddle up with a good book and be naked.

7.  Lastly, I'll leave you with a link to the LaLecheLeague on Breastfeeding in Public.  Don't be worried, as if someone is bothered, then they're staring too hard.  

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