Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 7 Pinterest Challenge: Heart Shaped Crayons

This year, I promised myself that the majority of christmas gifts were going to be homemade, or atleast as homemade as possible.  So, when I started putting together their coloring books, I also began collecting broken crayons to turn them into fun shapes like on this pin.  Well, lucky me and some heart shaped silicon cupcake holders!  Here's how they turned out:

Fun Shaped Crayons!

You'll need:


-Silicon Molds



Step 1:

First, preheat your oven to 230 F.  Then, break all the crayons into little pieces, colorcode them if you wish, and put them into the molds.

Step 2:

Put the molds in the oven and bake for 15 minutes or until completely melted.

Step 3: 

Take out of the oven and let harden.  Once hardened, they just pop right out!

Simple easy stocking stuffer, gift, or even craft on a rainy/snowy day for kids! 

Happy Molding!

Curious as to what I'm doing?  Check out the original post here.

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