Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 12 Pinterest Challenge: Glitter!

To celebrate this crafty Monday, have some homemade salt glitter!  I found this pin on pinterest and thought, "Hmm!  If I decide to preserve these stained glass cookies, this glitter would be a fun addition for decorating."  Sadly, we ate all but one that happens to be sitting on the tree calling my name, so that didn't happen, BUT the glitter will be used in all sorts of other projects in the future.  The best part?  This stuff is so easy to use and lasts about 6 months or so.  Some sites even said it kept well for over a  year.  Peresonally, I have no idea how long it will stay good for, but when I find mine has gone moldy/bad/unusable, I'll tell everyone.  I also imagine this would work well for coloring sugar, but don't take me up on that one.  If you try it with sugar, please share!  If I do, I'll share as well.  Anyway, here's how you make it.

Homemade Glitter

You'll need:

-Salt.  Lots of salt.

-Food coloring.  (The wilton gel ones work well!  As do those cheap drops, but I prefer the gel.)

-Aluminum Foil. 

-Pan to bake it on.


Step 1:

Preheat oven to 350 F.

Pour about 1/2 or so cup of salt into a bowl.  Next, add food coloring and stir until the salt is one solid color.  Most recipes say add about 1/2 teaspoon.  I just used as much as I thought would make the color I wanted.  If you've used gel food coloring before, you know what I mean.)  A 2 cup bowl works good for 1/2 cup of salt, but any more and it kindof gets messy.  So, if you plan on making more than 1/2 cup at a time, use a bigger bowl.

The gel clumps up easily.  Just continue stirring or mush with your fingers until it looks like this:

Step 2:

Cover baking sheet with aluminum foil.  Then, spread the salt evenly on the sheet.  Ok, this isn't exactly even, but close enough.

Step 3:

Bake for 10 minutes in  preheated oven.  Let cool completely! 

After baking, it looks the exact same as it did in the oven.

Step 4:

Pour glitter into a container and store for however long you think/until it goes bad.  Great for use on anything that requires glitter.

              All the best and happy crafting!

Curious as to what I'm doing?  See the original post here.

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