Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Days 22-25: A Quick Catch up!

Day 22:   These fun little paperclip bookmarks!

These were probably one of the simplest projects ever.  I tied a ribbon on a paperclip, sewed on a button, and then glued it into place so it would stay there.  Yep, that's it. 


Day 23:  Stick bombs!
If you've never heard of stick bombs, you're missing out!  Check out THIS video to see what I'm talking about.  (Links to a youtube video if you for some reason didn't already catch that.)  I didn't have the extra time to paint popcicle sticks, nor did I have many of them, but the kids still loved the little(ish) bomb we made.

You just pull out a stick after you piece them together.  The tension built up from all those woven sticks makes them POP quite high, surprisingly, as seen in that video linked above.   Yay science!  (If I EVER decide to throw my kid(s) a science lab party, this will be one of the "experiments".  Trying to convince the three year old for this one, but I'm not sure her attention span is long enough for a science lab birthday party.

Day 24:  Orange Chicken.

This recipe sucked.  Yep, I'll leave it at that.  But, that could be because I used rice vinegar instead of rice wine.  Either way, I didn't like it.  Next time, I'll order take out.  Didn't take any pictures of my turn out though, but it did look slightly like that picture.  I lacked fried rice though.  =(  MUST MAKE THAT ONE DAY.  One day...

Day 26:  Geode Egg Shells

I spent WEEKS cleaning out egg shells just to get the perfect ones to do this experiment.  I finally accumulated 9 that weren't too broken and successfully cleaned out.  Well, after two weeks, I realized I must have OVER supersaturated the water, because nothing crystalized.  Definitely will try this again when the kids are a little older.

PROTIP:  When washing out eggshells, its best to pull out the membrane RIGHT after you crack the shell.  It stayed together pretty well and came out easily.  If you let it sit for more than about five minutes, the difficulty increases to impossible.  Well, then, soaking them in hot water for about five-ten minutes worked, but regardless, this task is gruesome and difficult no matter how you approach it.  Atleast, it was for me. 

Ok, so ONE out of nine turned out.  I guess it wasn't too bad of an experiment then.  Heh, and the boy decided to crack one of the shells in.  I was amused, because when it broke, some of the sugar showed, but it was solid as a rock. 

If you try any of these, do tell me about it!   Have you done any fun experiments lately?  What were they?

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